from BS to BDS eating light to heavy

For me it all started when I actually started questioning my health. Why am I so sick? Why is everyone around me so sick? Is there another way?

For years I questioned and searched and always felt there was something wrong with me, not the sick people. That was the norm. I couldn’t make sense of anything. No one around me seemed to think the way I did about health. I was alone and confused. 

I knew food and thought had a lot to do with it and I had done so much research that I could not make sense of anything or what to do with all this acquired knowledge.

Slowly certain tools came into my life that were helpful to me, one being The Beauty Detox Solution. My first intro to Kimberly Snyder’s books came from my sister. She was so excited about this P&E salad in the book that she wrote the whole recipe down for me and raved about the book the whole time. I went home astounded at what I had just seen and heard and I knew that book needed to be in my hands. One week later it was my 2nd wedding anniversary. I told my husband that the only thing I wanted was this book. My sister had found it in a drug store of all places and they were sold out not getting more in, so I sent my husband on a journey to find it. 3 book stores and 1 city away is where he found it and I couldn’t of been happier.

Now that the book was mine and in my hands I devoured it like a ggs!

Most of what KS said in the books was confirming rather than new information but the one bit of information that I had never really thought about before was eating light to heavy. What a concept! From then on I started to look at my eating habits and how they affected my body. She was right! It really did affect my energy and I felt so much better when I followed this rule.

Now ALL my eating is done light to heavy. Even if I break the rule of no protein with starchy foods I feel much better if I eat my fruit a half hour before then veggies then starch then protein. I feel less bloated and more satisfied with a lot more energy. The only time I tend to break this rule is at supper time. Now I find my morning and lunch meals have to be light and properly combined or I lose all energy for the afternoon. I always try to not be hard on myself and keep everything in moderation….even moderation!

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